There is no degradation in the Volt's performance after the battery has reached its lower state of charge. 在汽车电池达到低电能的时候,Volt的性能并没有任何下降。
We start at this lower energy state and go up that means we need to absorb a photon, we have to take in energy. 我们从一个低能级开始,到一个高能级去,这意味着需要吸收一个光子,我们要获得能量。
What is happening is it turns out that putting the electrons in that lower energy state is stabilizing that molecule So that works. 发生的就是,把电子放在低能级状态,稳定了分子,因此这就行得通了。
But it doesn't end there because the electron is sitting up here n= 2 because there is a lower energy state and there is a coulombic attraction to the nucleus. 但是它还是没有终结,因为电子在这儿,的速度,处在非稳态,at,n,equals,two,very,nervous,因为存在更低的能态,并且有受核吸引的库仑定律。
Athletes who had higher competition level had lower cognitive anxiety and lower physical state anxiety, but higher state of self-confidence; 竞技水平发挥高组的运动员认知状态焦虑、躯体状态焦虑更低,状态自信心更高;
Decisions of lower state courts are not published officially, but can usually be found in unofficial reports. 较低的洲法院的决议一般没有官方出版,但可以在非官方的汇编中找到。
At30 ℃, the net carbon production was always lower under aerial state than under aquatic state. 而在30℃时,在气生状态下的净碳固定量比总是小于在水生状态下的净碳固定量。
So it's going to be favorable for the electrons instead to go to that lower energy state and be within the molecular orbital. 所以对于电子来说,更倾向于能量更低的轨道,呆在分子轨道里。
In other words, the probability of any one of these states is a little bit lower than this state. 换句话说,这些状态的任何一个的概率,都比这个状态要低一点。
Changing to a lower state ( a less respected state). 变化为低的层次(没有尊敬的地步)。
The one-center expansion method and Bohn-Oppenheimer approximation are used to investigate convergence of ground and lower exited state energy of the Hydrogen molecular ion ( H~+_2) in the strong external magnetic field. 采用单中心展开方法和Bohn-Oppenheimer近似,用B-splines技术研究平行强外场下的氢分子离子的基态和低激发态能量的收敛性。
However, due to the unrealistic hypothesis of effective market, the view point of "the shorter period, the lower the state debts interest cost will be" is not realistically right. 但是,由于流动性偏好理论的假设前提(有效市场假设)与现实不符,致使“国债期限越短,利息成本越低”的观点在实践中不一定成立。
Spleen reduced partially and the necrotic area showed well-distributed lower density state. 脾脏有所缩小,内可见均一低密度梗死区。
The chemical shift of the valance band to the lower state induced by high hydrogen content and the structural disorder related to low substrate temperature makes the films have wide band gaps and large band tail widths. 氢化非晶硅薄膜具有较高的氢含量,因键合氢引起的价带化学位移和低衬底温度决定的结构无序性,使薄膜呈现较大的光学带隙和带尾宽度。
While the ultrafast longitudinal optical ( LO) phonon scattering in AlGaN/ GaN QWs can be used for the rapid depopulation of the lower laser state, the large LO-phonon energy (-90meV) can effectively reduce the thermal population of the lasing states at higher temperatures. 在量子阱AlGaN/GaN中纵向光学(LO)声子散射的能够迅速的消除激光低能态的布居数,GaN的大LO声子能量(约90meV),有效地减少高温下产生激光低能态的热布居。
If the energy of original microstructure is higher, it will transfer to the lower energy state during cyclic straining and cyclic softening will occur. 如果原始组织结构的能量较高,则循环变形过程中将会向低能结构转化,并发生循环软化;
The active region was relaxed to a lower energy state, but not completely to the minimum energy state. 表明该活动区松弛到了一个低能态但不是最小能量状态。
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy diagram shows that the material's electrochemical impedance in the charged state is lower than state of discharged. 交流阻抗图谱表明材料充电态的电化学阻抗明显低于放电态的电化学阻抗。
The XRD and IR results show that SrFeO_4 kept in dry environment may decomposes to amorphous Fe salts with lower value state. XRD、IR等结果显示SrFeO4样品在干燥环境中放置时会分解生成无定形的低价态铁盐。
Atom's motivated state in not stable, it inevitably disintegrate into the lower energy state, which makes the phenomenon of the spontaneous radiation. 原子激发态是不稳定的,其必然会自发地向低能级衰变,产生自发辐射现象。
The risk management may uninterruptedly check the risk state of the risk sources, and find the problem and being corrected on time making the risk sources being at lower risky state and easier to be eliminated. 风险管理可以对危险源的风险状态持续的检查,发现问题及时纠正,使危险源的风险状态降级,以便消除危险源。
Evolving from lower state to advanced state, alternating from one form to another, from elementary layer to deep structure, that is the evolution law between refinement and popularization. 文艺由低级形态向高级形态发展,此形式向彼形式兴替,审美的初级层次向深层领域深化与升华。这就是雅俗互动演化的总态势。
Then as the main depending strength that peasants won the victory of China's revolution, why is social political position in lower state now? 农民作为中国革命取得胜利的最主要的依靠力量,为什么社会政治地位现在会处于偏低状态呢?
But as for the further development of society there appeared a lot of problems in irrigation and water conservancy areas: infrastructure, obsolete equipment, lower repairment state, serious blockage, imperfect management system, supply and confusion, such issues lying everywhere. 但是随着社会的进一步发展,农田水利方面的很多问题也随之凸现出来,基础设施设备陈旧、维修状况较差、沟渠淤塞严重、管理体制不完善、供给主体的缺失和混乱等问题处处皆是。
The CFC patients who obviously have the lower psychological state or the quality of life may be treated first by acupuncture combined with Chinese herbs. 对于心理状态或生活质量明显低下的CFC患者,可优先考虑针药结合治疗。
The atomic spontaneous emission is that an atom transits from its excited state spontaneously to its lower energy state to emit a photon without external disturbation. It is one of the most important research areas in quantum optics. 原子的自发辐射是处于激发态的原子在无外来扰动作用下自发的跃迁到低能级态并辐射出一个光子的过程,是量子光学领域研究的重要课题之一。
If adaptive algorithms for beam forming can get more fast convergence speed and lower steady state error, the performance of beam forming will be better. 自适应算法通过迭代运算获取用于波束形成的最优权值矢量,所以是否具有较快的收敛速度和较小的稳态误差成为决定波束形成性能的主要因素。
Sub-health is the lower functional state between health and illness, which covers the aspect of personal mental, psychology and social adaption ability. 亚健康状态是人在生理、心理及社会适应能力等方面处于健康与疾病之间低水平的功能状态。
In comparison with the existing "gauss" and "two-peak gauss" variational calculation results, this new variational wave function gives lower ground state energy. 与目前已有的高斯与双峰高斯变分计算结果相比,多项式高斯变分波函数给出了更低的基态能量。
College education of athletes, their cognitive status have lower anxiety, lower somatic state anxiety, higher state of self-confidence. 具有本科文化程度的运动员,其有较低的认知状态焦虑、较低的躯体状态焦虑、较高的状态自信心。